Recently on my way home after a courier job into central London I stopped at Stansted services on the M11 for a cuppa and sandwich. I stood by the bike to have this refreshment and while I was there I noticed that a lot of soil and spoil had been spread around the perimeter of the car park which resulted form the recent building activity going on at this site.
Noticing all this vast amount of spoil my interest got aroused, what might be amongst this lot I though, so like all good rock hounds I started to look closer and to my joy I realised I had found another good source of rough flint. I guess I collected about 15kgs of the stuff of different sizes and shapes, to say I was rather chuffed with myself is an understatement.
Here is a photo of the largest lump of rough flint I have found so far:

We do have plans to do an “eco” range of jewellery with all of this flint that we now have, why do we call it “eco”, well it hasn’t been mined as such and no one has been exploited in the process of bringing it to the surface and also we are recycling the waste from a project, now you can’t get much more eco friendly than that can you! See the next post for an example of what we mean by our eco range.
Here is another photo of a lump of rough alongside a lump with a polished face to give an idea of just how well this flint scrubs up:

Update: I though the lump of Flint above was a good haul, but I stopped in the same place again last week and just look at the size of this lump:

Happy hunting