evans cr2

Evans CR2 original and replacement motors

Evans CR2 Rock Tumbler Replacement Motor

Evans CR2 Rock Tumbler Replacement Motor Our Evans CR2 Rock Tumbler recently stopped working properly. It would run for several hours and then just stop. Not only was it a problem that the machine had stopped. It was more of a problem because the motor was getting very hot and could have posed a fire […]

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motor problem on our evans cr2 rock tumbler

Motor Problem on an Evans CR2 Rock Tumbler

We have a Motor Problem on our Evans CR2 Rock Tumbler We have started experiencing  a motor problem on one of our Evans CR2 Rock Tumblers in that after several hour running it will stop. As there in no thermal cut out the motor just gets hotter and hotter and could become a fire risk […]

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Pull the bearing from the shaft

Evans CR2 Tumbler Cleaning

We have been running 2 Evans CR2 tumbling machines for almost a year now, but we have had a few problems with them in that they would stall and stop without warning.

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